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Can Your Mix Kratom and Weed?How to Make Kratom Tea

At one point, chewing on bitter kratom leaves was the only way for early users to earn access to the reported properties of this exotic plant. However, modern technology has enabled kratom distributors to offer consumers a wide range of products, such as capsules, tinctures, and powders. Brewing kratom tea from powder is very popular among reported users. However, making kratom tea using premium kratom powder can be more easily said than done. Keep reading to find out how to make kratom tea from powder. Opms Gold

What Is Kratom Tea?

Kratom tea involves more than brewing kratom leaves in boiling water. In fact, this form of consumption is relatively uncommon in the United States, where kratom is more easily found in capsule or powder form. Instead, most reported users who make kratom tea prefer mixing kratom powder with their favorite tea blends to alleviate some of the bitter taste. They may even add their sweetener of choice to make it more palatable. It is said that the reported properties of tea and kratom complement each other, making kratom powder tea more pleasant and effective than pure kratom leaf tea.

Kratom Tea Vs. Kratom Extract

Kratom extract can often be found in powder form. However, it is not suitable to use in a kratom tea recipe. Kratom extract powder may be significantly more potent than traditional forms of kratom powder, making its potential effects unpredictable. Besides, some of the alkaloids contained in the extract may be destroyed by the hot water used for brewing kratom.

Kratom Tea Potential Effects and Benefits

Although kratom is a relative of the coffee plant, kratom powder tea is considered to be an herbal tea. The kratom plant is extremely rich in alkaloids, particularly mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which may benefit users. Depending on the strains and dosage, some users have reported feeling energized or, on the contrary, feeling more relaxed. According to some consumers, some kratom powder tea recipes may even have an analgesic effect.

Tips for Making Kratom Tea

So, you are wondering how to make kratom tea. The good news is that brewing kratom, including making kratom tea from powder, is relatively easy. However, before diving further into the subject, here are some tips that may be helpful if you are concerned about how to make kratom tea better.

Use the Right Water Temperature

A common question beginner kratom users may have is, “how long to boil kratom tea?” However, the best way to make kratom tea is to use water heated just before the boiling point or cooled down slightly instead of pouring boiling water directly onto the kratom leaves or powder. Indeed, the delicate alkaloids in kratom may become unstable at such high temperatures, and your kratom tea recipe may not be as effective.

Add an Acidic Ingredient

Although the benefactive active chemicals contained in kratom leaves may withstand relatively high temperatures, they may start to degenerate – and, therefore, become less potent – when exposed to high heat for long periods of time, which is a crucial step when making kratom tea. However, adding an acidic component, such as lemon juice, orange juice, or apple cider vinegar, may slow down the alkaloid breakdown reaction and help the kratom tea taste better.

Sweeten the Deal

Users may appreciate the reported positive effects of kratom tea powder, but most people find its pungent and bitter taste unpleasant. Some kratom users attempt to get around it by using the “toss and wash” method, which consists in throwing the Kratom powder in the back of the throat and chasing it as quickly as possible with water or juice. However, this method often leaves a lingering bitter aftertaste. Even brewing kratom with tea does not entirely mask the unpalatable taste. Therefore, if you are wondering how to make kratom tea better, you may add sweeteners such as sugar, stevia, agave, or maple syrup to make it tastier.

Stir It Energetically

A common issue that those who are learning how to make kratom tea with powder encounter is that kratom tea powder tends to clump up in the liquid. You may need to use an instrument such as a small whisk, a Matcha tea whisk, or even an electric frother wand to break down the most stubborn clumps and make your kratom powder tea more palatable.

Use Taste Enhancers

The strong herbal taste of kratom tea may deter some users from finishing their cup and, therefore, not having access to all the reported benefits of the brew. If it is your case, it may be a good idea to tweak your kratom tea recipe to add taste enhancers such as ginger, lemon zest, or cinnamon, as well as try different types of tea and herbal tea blends to find one that suits you better.

Beware of Kratom Dosage

Learning how to make kratom tea is one thing, but beginner users should beware that kratom powder tea’s reported effects vary widely based on the dosage. With the wrong dosage, you may end up experiencing the polar opposite effects of the one you were trying to achieve. If you are unfamiliar with this plant, veteran users suggest starting small and not exceeding two 2.4g servings within 24 hours.

How to Make Kratom Tea from Powder

Kratom tea is one of the most effective and convenient ways to access kratom’s reported positive effects. Without further ado, here is how to make kratom tea from powder, including some of our favorite kratom powder tea recipes.

Materials and Ingredients (Makes One Cup)

Making kratom tea is relatively simple, and you likely have all the ingredients you need. Here is what you need for kratom tea from powder:

One cup of water

Kettle or saucepan to heat the water

Small whisk or frother for breaking the lumps

Kratom powder

Strainer or coffee filter

Taste enhancers such as lemon, favorite tea blend, etc. (optional)

Sweeteners including honey, agave nectar, maple syrup, etc. (optional)

Directions for Making Kratom Tea

Heat the water in a kettle or saucepan until just before the boiling point

Put kratom powder and any taste enhancer you may use into a cup. Pour hot water over the mixturу

Mix energetically until the powder is blended in completely. Let your beverage sit until cool enough to drink. You may need to strain your kratom powder tea if you use tea leaves or notice stubborn clumps

Add sweeteners to taste (if using)

How to Make Kratom Tea from Tea Bags

Although kratom leaves tea bags are not as common as powder, they can be another way to make kratom tea. You may also fill your own tea bags with the appropriate dosage of kratom tea powder or kratom leaves. Here is how to brew kratom tea bags, according to users:

Boil water in a kettle or saucepan. Let it cool down slightly before using

Poured the cooled-down water over the tea bag

Let the beverage sit for three to five minutes, depending on the desired potency, before removing the teabag

How to Make Kratom Tea from Crushed Leaves

Crushed leaves can be a good alternative if you do not like the texture of kratom powder tea. You may use a reusable tea bag filled with leaves if you have one.

Heat water until just before boiling point

Put the kratom leaves in a teabag, teapot, or French press

Pour hot water over the leaves. Let it sit for fifteen minutes. If using a teapot, you may need to strain the leaves

Add sweeteners or taste enhancers if using

Simple Kratom Tea Recipes

Here are a few examples of kratom tea recipes you can experiment with so you can find your new favorite way to experience kratom.

Making Kratom Tea Without Using a Strainer

Heat hot water in a saucepan or kettle until the liquid hits the boiling point. Let it cool down slightly before using

Stir the hot water over the kratom tea powder and any other ingredients your kratom tea recipe may require

Blend until the liquid is smooth and free of clumps

Sweeten to taste

Making Kratom Tea While Using a Strainer

If you do not like the clumpy texture of kratom powder tea, you can use a strainer, coffee filter, or cheesecloth to remove any lumpy bits.

Heat the water until just about boiling and let it cool down for a couple of minutes

Put the kratom leaves or powder into a recipient such as a teapot, pour the water, and let it sit for approximately 15 minutes. Allow the powder remnants to settle if using

Pour the beverage through the strainer into a cup and sweeten to taste

Kratom Sun Tea

For a lighter brew, fill a recipient with room-temperature water and add your kratom powder, teabags (at least one per serving), or kratom leaves. If you plan to use other flavor enhancers, such as lemon, add them to the water

Leave the recipient in full sun for one to five hours while stirring occasionally

Serve over ice

Kratom Iced Tea

Turn kratom powder tea into a delicious and refreshing beverage.

Take one cup of cool kratom tea prepared according to your favorite method

Mix with fruit juice (such as orange or pineapple)

Add flavor (for example, lemon or ginger slices)

Add liquid sweetener such as honey or agave nectar to taste if necessary

Pour over ice in a tall glass

Differences Between Kratom Tea and Other Types of Tea

Kratom tea is one of the many forms of herbal tea, each with its reported properties, tastes, and potential benefits. Here are some other examples of popular teas you may be familiar with and how kratom tea compares to them.

Camellia Sinensis Teas

Camellia Sinensis is a small evergreen shrub grown in Asia. It produces herbal teas in a wide variety of flavors, comparable to green tea, black tea, and so on, based on the harvesting and processing method of the plant. Each strain is associated with different homeopathic virtues and traditional usage.

Green Tea

Green tea is a widely popular tea with the highest caffeine levels. It owes its green color to its freshly harvested leaves, giving it a recognizable astringent taste. It is appreciated for its high antioxidant levels and has a reputation for cancer, obesity, and heart disease-fighting properties. However, it does not provide the mood boost some users report when consuming kratom tea.

Black Tea

Black tea is probably one of the most common teas and can be consumed hot or cold, alone or blended with other flavors and spices. It is appreciated for its wide range of flavors and its high levels of antioxidants and caffeine. Some studies report that black tea may reduce the risk of stroke and cancer. However, it does not provide a mood-boosting effect comparable to what some users may experience with kratom tea. 

Oolong Tea

According to some consumers, Oolong Tea may be the perfect balance between black and green tea in terms of flavor and reported benefits. Depending on the processing method, it may have a fresher or deeper aroma. Like green and black teas, it is reputed to have metabolism-boosting properties and may protect against some forms of cancer.

White Tea

White tea has a very light aroma and a low caffeine content. Aficionados appreciate it for its delicate and grassy flavor that makes it unfit for consumption as food. It is made with the youngest leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant and owes its name to the silvery strands that cover them. Like other teas, some reports suggest that white tea may have immunity-boosting and cancer-preventing qualities, but none of the mood-boosting improvements some kratom users report.

Matcha Tea

Matcha Tea is a high-grade powdered green tea and may look similar to kratom tea powder. However, the two plants have very different reported effects. Matcha contains caffeine and l-Theanine, which may combat the jittery effects of caffeine. Meanwhile, kratom contains mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which may have an analgesic and mood-boosting effect. Some users appreciate mixing matcha and kratom tea.

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas are brewed from various plants, flowers, and fruits, such as chamomile, yerba mate, rooibos, lavender, lemon, hibiscus, mint, and much more. Therefore, they provide a wide range of flavors that may help some consumers get over the bitterness of kratom powder tea when brewed together. They typically do not contain caffeine, but some may act as a pick-me-up or provide a natural remedy against common ailments.

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